Thursday, 13 December 2012

catching up to the end...

...the period of filming for the project has finished!! pheww.

But I regrettably I have had some catch up editing to do, and have finally arrived on top of it all. It has been refreshing to look back over the footage, some of which I had forgotten about, watching films in their entireity and noticing what I find interesting having had that time removed from them.

The first of the two excerpts is a collection of footage from across the year that have somehow gone astray and are therefore not in a chronological order of when they happened. Which I kind of like for a change gives some variety to the environments that I encounter. It has made it interesting when it comes to editing them next to each other and triggers thoughts as I try to remember where I am, what I was doing, and how I am feeling at the time in each new space.

The second excerpt is the nearing the end of the project and sees me visit some of my favourite spaces as I travel between my work engagements in regional NSW. One that sticks in my mind and body is the experience of performing in a sea of yellow canola in Cowra, especially fun as I could disappear and reappear and feel so insignificant amidst the varsity of it all, (and of course yellow happens to be my favourite colour). I notice, which I have pointed out before, that I am drawn to film in outdoor spaces and the natural environment, and I love this tendency, it forces something beyond myself and my own movement exploration extending into the essence of the surrounds.

I have one more film to post which is a bit of fun and has a running theme that kind of breaks the boundaries of the way that I have been in filming and editing for the majority of the project.
So stay tuned...

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