Monday, 21 November 2011

having a bit too much fun

Into the 5th week of 100, 000 frames and I am just having a ball venturing into new and unchartered territory (for me at least).
Even though I haven't posted for a while I've been rigorous with keeping the filming going each day, and I enjoy the 10-20mins to my self to be a bit wacky, creative and spontaneous.

It has been especially fun this last week, as it was Short + Sweet, Dance festival here in Canberra. Such a great time to be inspired by what others are doing and share with new and creative people what I am interested in. It was also the first time I have articluated that I am doing this project to anyone, but if im doing it I might as well share it, otherwise what's the point!

I love forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone and committ to the dance even when people start speaking to me or shouting at me or interacting with me, these are the most interesting, fun and challenging parts.
Sometimes I wish that I could show more than 10secs a day, beacuse sometimes a bit of context of the site makes it even more unusal, like dancing on a roof top next to solar panels, or at a petrol station when I needed to fill up. But the 10 secs of each day will have to suffice, otherwise it will be too huge by the time 300 days comes.


So here is the latest version. If you are so inclined please post some comments/feedback - good, bad, whatever or suggestions of sites that I could explore... I would love to hear from anyone!

Friday, 11 November 2011

its beginning to shape...into... something..??

Well, along with a very busy week, the film is beginning to come together into something a llittle bit interesting...I hope... I have really enjoyed diversifying the spaces which I select, especially to try to include more interaction with public areas/people. A particularly enjoyable site this week was by the lake, people were walking/riding by and I really enjoyed their reactions and my interactions with them.

I feel like I should start to expand further still the areas which I choose to do the filming, not just sticking perhaps to the places/sites of my everyday pathways. Though lately it has been necessary as I have been so busy with a multitude of projects and jobs going on and the weather has been very mixed, 2 storms and lots of rain, which definitely seemed somehow to limit me in my willingness to investigate more interesting areas.

I'm really enjoying seeing the film unfold and I'm glad that I have begun this adventure, as I know that with each performance, each day, I am developing as an artist and I might just, if im lucky,  have the slightest affect on the poeple around me too.

More soon!!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Juggling it all

Ok so its Day 16 and all going along smoothly, juggling my everyday work, teaching and creating/rehearsing with this project has been interesting but really motivating actually, giving me a bit more direction which needed..

The diversity of spaces that I have explored over this past week has had its ups and downs, I definitely know the feeling of being comfortable and inspired to perform in the space and on the other hand just moving in an unusual site with no real connection to it. I have had a bit more contact with other people and have tried to take more risks with the 'exposure' so to say of the sites I choose, as well as integrating the process into whatever I may be up to that day. A particular favorite this week was the tennis courts that I found tucked behind some shops, was really  interesting what came up for me, experimenting with physicality in an athletic way, but stylised.

On another note it has been a little lonely this week, realising that not just this project is a solo thing but that probably any practice (including mine) as an artist is really quite a lonely place.  To accept this or find ways to make it different I'll try to consider as the year unfolds.

So I have uploaded the 2nd version of 100,000 frames which is slowly growing each week.

Do I have any followers out there... love to hear from you....